New Co-owner and colleague

We are very happy and proud to announce that we have a new member in the team!

Torbjörn Stavenek, who has been collaborating with us since the start has stepped in as a co-owner and AI & Cloud Architect expert.

Torbjörn has a MSc degree from Linköping University followed by a strong career within the fields of system achitecture, cloud and big data solutions. The last few years also exploring different applications of AI.

"I am excited about the possibilities in the intersection between business and technology and in all my endeavours I strive to deliver customer value quickly.
The potential of AI is huge and it is thrilling to hear about the continuous innovations. I see AI as a truly disrupting technology that will affect all aspects of how companies operate and I want to help as many companies as possible to succeed on their AI journeys." Torbjörn says.

We welcome Torbjörn and look forward to the next step in our journey supporting the Swedish industry with knowledge based solutions.


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